boxplus is a lightweight pop-up window implementation (commonly known as lightbox) licensed under the GPL and written using the jQuery library. boxplus ships with sigplus, which is an all-inclusive image gallery for Joomla.
This page lets you personalize boxplus to suit your needs. For a full list of boxplus features as well as instructions on how to set up and use boxplus are discussed on the boxplus home page.
Use the dialog box that opens upon clicking the hyperlink and the HTML form below to customize several aspects of boxplus on-line. Any changes you make are applied immediately, you can test your settings by clicking any of the thumbnail images to open the gallery. Once you are done, use the code generator below to emit code that you can paste into the head section of your page. (If you use sigplus, you should copy-and-paste the DOM tree ready event code only to the end of boxplus.js and boxplus.uncompressed.js in the directory /plugins/content/sigplus/engines/boxplus/js relative to your Joomla root.)