• user-selectable pop-up window engine, including boxplus (specifically designed for sigplus), Bootstrap Modal (included with Joomla), Fancybox, Fancybox3 (separate license may be required) and Slimbox2
  • user-selectable image slider/carousel/rotator
  • free-flow and grid layout mode; row, column and grid arrangement
  • fully responsive, mobile-enabled
  • suitable for 4K resolution and retina displays
  • build gallery from images on the server or photos on Flickr
  • support for image types .jpg, .png, .gif (with and without transparency, with and without animation), .webp and .svg
  • multimedia support (HTML <video> tag)
  • best-fit thumbnail generation with automatic cropping and centering
  • progressive load feature to save network bandwidth: only those images are fetched from the server that are to be shown
  • multiple galleries per content item and per page
  • multilingual, search engine-friendly image labels and more verbose description set globally or for each individual image
  • right-to-left language support
  • image caption templates
  • image metadata processing; IPTC and EXIF data extraction
  • download option to save high-resolution image version
  • custom styling (e.g. preview image margin, border, padding and opacity, slide duration and animation delay)
  • custom sort criteria (user-defined, file name, last modification time and random order)
  • integrates into Joomla content editor and Joomla search
  • large gallery support (100 or more images in a single gallery)
  • 100% CSS3 and JavaScript, HTML5-enabled
  • default global settings for the entire site and local parameter overrides for individual galleries
  • restricted-access galleries
  • and more...

Technical requirements

  • Joomla 3.0 or later
  • GD2 (Graphics Draw) or GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick PHP extension
  • compatible with both MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server

Note that you might need to adjust PHP and server configuration (or contact your hosting provider) to unlock support for some of the more recent image formats. For example, the Graphics Draw PHP extension has to have WEBP support enabled (see your System information page in Joomla) for sigplus to be able to read and write files in the WEBP format.